Advanced Proctology
“Nothing is permanent here on earth except the good that we do to others.”
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Fixtula is not a name of a clinic or surgical centre but it is a concept in the paradigm of medicine which firmly belief in the conviction that human body has innate ability to heal itself.
Proctology is the field of medicine which deals with the benign disease of anus and rectum like haemorrhoids (piles), anal fissure, anal fistula, perianal abscess, pilonidal sinus, rectal prolapse, rectovaginal fistula, anal sphincter injury, obstructive defecatory syndrome, constipation etc. These diseases are due to sedentary lifestyle labeled under the category of lifestyle diseases.
Common root cause to all chronic diseases is our bad lifestyle – How we live our life and how we treat our body. Lifestyle diseases are man-made and self-imposed. Neither any medicine nor any advanced medical technology is required to remain healthy and disease free.
Progress in medical field is to look at the same problem from a different angle. The word advanced proctology does not mean advancement in modern technology but the change in the approach of managing these lifestyle chronic diseases by detailed clinical evaluation to identify the root causes of the diseases, correction on the lifestyle modifications and deciding the most effective modality of surgical treatment focused to reduce the recurrence and prevent incontinence. The pinnacle of treatment at Fixtula is person centred rather than technological. We reset our approach in dealing with each patients, as it is important to know the person who has the disease than knowing the disease the person has.
Science of healing
Conventional medicine system made us believe that there has to be always a pill for every ill and we all are ill unless proved otherwise. But at Fixtula, our goal is to get people off from unnecessary medication, prevent unnecessary operations and help our patients to understand the following science of healing:
i) BELIEF – Faith heals the human body. Believe that our human body has an innate ability to heal itself provided it is equipped with proper tools to heal. Man is born with all the necessary in-built repair mechanism. We need to provide the right environment by changing our lifestyle healthier.
ii) BODY MIND SPIRIT SYSTEM - Lifestyle modification in diet, exercise, sleep, inter-personal
relationships, managing stress are necessary for the body to heal itself completely. It focus on keeping the alignment of Body-Mind-Soul axis intact.
iii) INTELLIGENCE - Our Body has its own intelligence to protect & recover. It protect itself from getting harm and make adjustments at cellular level to recover itself.
iv) EPIGENETICS – Epigenetics means our thoughts, behavior and surroundings which directly affects the expressions of our genes. The modifications in our lifestyle has the potential to turn off those genes which are harmful to our health. These scientific lifestyle measures can prevent and reverse chronic diseases, it can slow down the aging and even eliminate cancer.
Dr Rehan believes that doctors are educators who explains their patients why the disease has occurred, what are the root cause of disease and help them to navigate the best modality of treatment available to get complete cure. We expect our patients who approach Fixtula for treatment to come with a clear conscious and have trust in their treating doctor because we are not commercial, our mission is to humanize the medicine and compassion is our passion.